Nov 18, 2014

Different units of measurement / Baby dolls

I like making stuff.
But It looks like I have some learning to do in America to continue what I like to do.

I order lots of cut to size acrylic sheets to make small houses and I'm also into fabric shopping these days, especially oriental patterns and Hanbok materials, as I'm planning to learn how to use sewing machine.... but guess what!
America is NOT on the metric system!
How am I supposed to think with inches and yards!?

I usually like changes but... not this one. It's like turning my whole world upside down.
Hope I get used to the new units without too much headache.

PS. Oh It was actually pretty simple with fabrics!-Nov.24-
<1마는 1yd(야드) 36inch(인치) 91.44cm(센티미터)> 

I was gonna get these dolls online but because they'll be shipped from America I decided to wait and order them when I get there. I can't wait!