Aug 26, 2013

How to make Cheese cake using rice cooker (No Oven) (노오븐 밥통 치즈케익 만들기)

Grey Goose 에 쥬스를 말아서 일단 한 잔 마셔줍...

Sugar, cookies, 2 yogurt, 2 eggs
cream cheese(keep in room temperature for awhile) and flour

cream cheese로 시작할께영

+ 2 eggs

+ 2 yogurt

1/3 (or less) paper cup of flour

I like just 4~5 spoons of sugar

mix them well.
mine has a lot of chunks because I forgot to take out the cream cheese earlier
If you forgot too, that's ok, it'll taste the same
It's just your arm that hurts ㅜ_ㅜ...

put the cookies in the plastic bag

no mercy

butter the rice cooker pot

now place the cookie crumbs on the bottom of the pot

pour the mix on the top of the crumbs

get rid of the bubbles by pot을 바닥에 탕탕 쳐야하는데 영어가 안됨

cook the cake with the rice cooker.
if it keeps turning to "keep warm", 
leave it like that it will eventually get cooked by the warmth.
unplug the rice cooker when you don't feel the mix slopping anymore
and cool it in there.
that'll make it easier to get the cake out.

쨘~:) 맛있는 촉촉이 치즈케익이 완성되었어요 ♡♥♡♥