Nov 26, 2012


Hye-won is 13 year old friend I met through church.
and I am looking for a Christmas gift for her.
It's our second Christmas.
time flies!

I asked her what she wants
and she replied

-a Panda doll

while I was thinking of all the useful things she could use
being a child that she is
she tells me she just simply wants a doll 

so I and my husband went to "Toys r us"
but we weren't too happy with the Panda doll they had..

I found a super cute Panda doll on the internet though!

looks like a pooh bear in disguise


Shopping for her gift makes me wanna have another doll
and I already know what I want

1. Hamster doll
I've been wanting those so bad
but I had done some research
only to find out the company doesn't make them anymore :(

2. rabbit blankie
I know I could never have it unless I had a baby..
because I don't want you to think I am crazy or something
so unfair....

3. another teddy bear


I know I know
nobody asked
also they'll be the last thing I need at the moment
because I am not 13 years old
I need to get myself a pair of winter boots instead of some dolls
this is very sad


soft teddies and rabbits, they are my favorite animal dolls

 my favorite real animals are of course hamsters,
cats, Meerkats, flamingos, horses, mini penguins,  dolphins
and all the cat families like
tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs and jaguars.

my favorite animal drawings and sculptures are
giraffes and elephants
I really do have things for drawings of those two.

How to Draw an Elephant

or this 

or this ?