Jan 23, 2014

Welcome(Puchiko ver.)

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My Heart

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My Heart 

うまれたての あさひが サンサン 
우마레타테노 아사히가 상상

갓태어난 아침해가 쨍쨍

みずたまりが ひかって キラキラ 

미즈타마리가 히캇테 키라키라 
고인 물은 반사되어 반짝반짝

きょうも おそうじ ピカピカ 

쿄우모 오소우지 삐까삐까 
오늘도 청소는 번쩍번쩍

ねこのても かりたい くらいにょ 

네코노테모 카리타이 쿠라이뇨 
고양이 손이라도 빌리고플 정도예뇽 

つまらない こと きに しないにょ 

츠마라나이 코토 키니 시나이뇨 
시시한 것에는 마음두지 않아뇽 

ミスっちゃっても ころんじゃっても 
미슷쨧테모 코론 쨧테모 
실수를 하더라도, 넘어지더라도 

まえむきに Go Go! 
마에무키니 Go Go! 
앞만 보고 Go Go! 

きょうも あたしは おおいそがし 

쿄우모 아타시와 오오이소가시 
오늘도 나는 굉장히 바빠서 

つかれちゃっても せんとう モ-ドにょ 
츠카레쨧데모 센토우 모ㅡ도뇨 
지쳤다 하더라도 전투모드예뇽

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My Hosue 

がんばるにょ ちょっとだけ 
가응바루뇨 죳토다케 
힘낼거예뇽. 아주 조금 

ドジな あたしでも 

도지나 아타시테모 
얼빠진 구석도 있지만

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My Heart 

きょうも キミが きてくれるの 

쿄우모 키미가 키테쿠레루노 
오늘도 당신이 와주길 



しずんでゆく ゆうひは ユラユラ 

시즈응데유쿠 유우히와 유라유라 
저물어가는 석양은 하늘하늘

まいごの こねこは フワフワ 

마이고노 코네고와 푸와푸와 
길잃은 새끼고양이는 푹신푹신

きょうも あしもと ふらふら 

쿄우모 아시모토 후라후라 

오늘도 발걸음은 비틀비틀 

おひさまも ごくろうさまだにょ 

오히사마모 고쿠로우사마다뇨 

햇님도 수고많았어뇽 

すぎちゃった こと ふりかえらないにょ 

스기짜앗타 코토 후리카에라나이뇨 
지나버린 일은 돌아보지 않아뇽 

しっぱいしちゃっても はずかしくっても 

싯바이 샷 데모 하즈가 시쿳테모 
실패하더라도, 창피하더라도 

ごうかいは No No! 
고우카이와 No No! 
후회는 No No! 

いつも あたしは おおいそがし 

이쯔모 아타시와 오오이소가시 
언제나 나는 굉장히 바빠서 

おちこまないで せんとう モ-ドにょ 

오찌코마나이데 센토우 모ㅡ도뇨 
실망할틈도 없이 전투모드예뇽

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My House 

がんばるにょ ちょっとだけ 
가응바루뇨 죳토다케 

힘낼거예뇽. 아주 조금 

ドジな あたしでも 
도지나 아타시데모 
얼빠진 구석도 있지만

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My Heart 

きょうも キミが きてくれるの 

쿄우모 키미가 키테쿠레루노 
오늘도 당신이 와주길 




あしおと バタバタ 
아시오토 바타바타 
발소리는 쿵쾅쿵쾅

おそうじ ピカピカ 
오소우지 삐까삐까 
청소는 번쩍번쩍

ゆうひが ユラユラ 
유우히가 유라유라 
석양이 하늘하늘

こねこは フワフワ 
코네고와 푸와푸와 
새끼고양이는 푹신푹신 

つまらない こと きに しないにょ 
츠마라나이 코토 키니 시나이뇨 
시시한 것에는 마음두지 않아뇽 

ミスっちゃても ころんじゃっても 
미스읏짯테모 코론쨧테모 
실수를 하더라도, 넘어지더라도 

すぎちゃった こと ふりかえらないにょ 
스기쨔앗타 코토 후리가에라나이뇨 
지나버린 일은 돌아보지 않아뇽 

しっぱい しちゃっても はずかしくっても 

시읏바이 시짯테모 하즈카시쿳테모 
실패하더라도, 창피하더라도 

おちこまないで せんとう モ-ドにょ 

오찌코마나이데 센토우 모ㅡ도 뇨 

실망할틈도 없이 전투모드예뇽

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My House 

がんばるにょ ちょっとだけ 

가응바루뇨 죳토다케 

힘낼거예뇽. 아주 조금 

ドジな あたしでも 

도지나 아타시테모 

얼빠진 구석도 있지만

Welcome to, Welcome to 
Welcome to My Heart 

きょうも キミが きてくれるの 
쿄우모 키미가 키테쿠레루노 
오늘도 당신이 와주길 






Jan 20, 2014

3.Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(툴루즈 로트렉)

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
24 November 1864 - 9 September 1901 (aged 36)
Toulouse-Lautrec was born in Albi, France.
Not like Monet's, his parents gave him full support 
when they discovered his talents in art.
His early paintings are of horses, family and people around him.

Henri fractured his legs at the age of 14, 15 and his legs ceased to grow.
His disability and other health problems are considered to be due to the unknown genetic disorder sometimes attributed to a family history of inbreeding 
as his two grandmothers were first cousins, sisters.

He continued his work in Paris and London
and later he immersed himself in expressing cabarets and prostitutes in his art work.

He is also known as the midget painter in Moulin Rouge movies.
When the cabaret Moulin Rouge opened in Montmartre, Paris,
he was commissioned to produce a series of posters.
The cabaret reserved a seat for him and
he sat there at the corner table and painted, drinking.

Lautrec moulin rouge, la goulue (poster) 1891

the poster that made him famous

Lautrec being an alcoholic for most of his adult life,
was institutionalised by his mother and friends when he was 35 and 
died from complications due to alcoholism and syphilis the next year.

He used various of techniques in his art works
as he created 737 canvases, 275 watercolours, 363 prints and posters, 5,084 drawings,
some ceramic and stained glass work.

The followings are my favorite Lautrec's work mostly from 1871~1886.

Jan 17, 2014

2.Claude Monet(모네) : Painter of Light

Oscar Claude Monet
14 November 1840-5 December 1926
I read that he had a hard time getting a recognition from Academy or people
because his paintings were far from realism or histories.
So I guess when people called Monet and other friends of his, "Impressionist",
It was sort of in a way of mocking I guess.
But people named this kind of painting, expressing light, Impressionism
and it is derived from the title of Monet's painting
"Impression, Sunrise" below

His paintings are breath taking.
They are alive and they are powerful.
I get so overwhelmed with just one painting that if I were to
look at more than few a day, I might explodeㅋㅋ 
Unfortunately, I don't appreciate his changing styles&techniques and his late works.
Here are some of the works of Monet I like.