Jan 9, 2013

Couple in Canada turns homemade igloo into colorful subzero sanctuary

This is something what I would have so much fun to do !
It's so awesome...I love the idea of the color ice in milk carton.
I also sometimes think it'll be fun to build something with wood too.
someday maybe.

Jan 3, 2013

이런 시(詩)/이상

이런 시(詩)/이상

내가 그다지 사랑하던 그대여

내 한평생에 차마 그대를 잊을 수 없소이다.
내 차례에 못올 사랑인줄은 알면서도
나 혼자는 꾸준히 생각하리다.
자, 그러면 내내 어여쁘소서.

Jan 1, 2013


Hammy Tori's second favorite snack!
drying some pumpkin seeds

Num num 

In the house

to upstairs



in the box on the right!

to the next box

and to the next box in the corner


do you see the hole to the first floor ?


on the wheel